A New Master Plan Is Needed

The proposal by District 1 City Councilor Lydia Edwards to adopt a new Master Plan for East Boston is long overdue.

Development in our community has been proceeding at a break-neck pace — which is a nice problem to have —  but without an updated Master Plan (the last one was accomplished almost 20 years ago), our neighborhoods have become susceptible to what essentially has developed into a “spot zoning” mentality.

With all of the new development that is being envisioned on this side of the Mystic River, most notably at the former Suffolk Downs and along the Eastie waterfront, an updated Master Plan will provide a framework for new growth and development, while preserving and enhancing the quality of life in the community’s residential neighborhoods by addressing issues such as traffic congestion and sea-level rise.

We applaud Councilor Edwards’s proposal that will benefit ALL of East Boston’s residents — not just the developers and wealthy — as we move into the middle third of the 21st century.

Times Staff:
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